About REYL Overseas Ltd

The reasons for global diversification are many: mitigating risk by holding assets outside of a single, domestic financial market and currency, accessing a wider range of investment opportunities, getting insights and perspectives from globally-minded wealth managers, gaining flexibility and global mobility, being prepared for future, unforeseen changes on the home market. Switzerland is the confirmed, leading location for private wealth management.

Long-term political and economic stability, neutrality, reliability and a commitment to high quality service coupled with the highest level of wealth management expertise make Switzerland the global leader with an over 25% market share. 

REYL Overseas opens up paths for U.S. clients exploring international investment diversification, enabling them to achieve their global investing goals.  

Providing international diversification across high value-added products with respect for a conservatively balanced investment style. 

Our open architecture and personalized services include:

  • Discretionary portfolio management
  • Advisory portfolio management
  • Multi-currency capabilities
  • Estate planning and patrimonial analysis
  • Access to legal and tax advisory services
  • Portfolio consolidation and tailored custody solutions
  • Access to the REYL Group’s network of external resources